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  •  Low-α Spherical silica powder

Low-α Spherical silica powder

SINO-QG series Low-α Spherical silica powder is made of the high purity and low radiation silica as the raw material and processed to spherical silica powder by flame fusion. It is featured by small surface area, good liquidity and low stress.


Product Features: 

? Low content of radioactive elements;

? High purity, low impurity content;

? Low Na+, Cl-, E/C content;

? High sphericity, good liquidity, high bulk density, small specific surface area and low stress;

? Excellent chemical stability, good thermal performance, and good mechanical strength.

Product Description

Basic characteristics and chemical composition:




White powder

Particle morphology





Available within  D50: 1um-30um,

Also can be customized according to customer requirements.


According to needs, we can also provide the further product information and our technical application experience to customize products for you.

Main application areas:

Epoxy molding compound EMC, Copper clad laminate CCL, Printed circuit board(PCB), Integrated circuit (IC), Electronic potting compound, Epoxy casting compound, Thermal interface material, Electrical insulation parts, Adhesives, Paint, Coating, Honeycomb ceramics, Aerospace, silicone etc various industries.  

Copyright 2021 ? Sinoteng Silica Materials Technology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.
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